Saturday, December 18, 2010

Last discussion!

In this discussion,we talked about how his mom is bipolar. We say this because she would treat him right then out of nowhere she would abuse him. We also talked about how people at his school would bully him like Aggie. During a school field trip, while David was gazing at at the water she told him to jump because it was the only way to escape life. Also, he brought his mom a letter that the principal sent. It said that he was a top student and that he won a school competition. His mom automatically ripped it up and both verbally and physically abused him. In this chapter he always wanted his mom to stab him already.
These last chapters were so sad and frustrating,more than usual. I say this because he thought about suicide more often and he his hatred grew and grew. His dad also left the family like a coward. It made me really mad when he came to the house drunk and took his things and said goodbye to David,diminishing his promises of 'both' of them leaving. David was scared after his dad left because he felt that he had no protection anymore. His mom had a bipolar moment when her husband left, she let David dine with her and his siblings.He thought about sucide a lot when his mom tore up the letter and called him an "it" and when his classmate Aggie told him to jump and when his dad left the house for good. I was confused why his siblings would act like nothing happened when his mom allowed them to play and when their mom didn't allow it they would treat him really badly. At one point David got tired of it so he began to rebel. When they were at the grocery store,he mouthed off to his brother and ignored his moms commands.When they got in the car his mom told them they could stomp on him and hit David for mouthing off to them. We also found out that his mom did this because she also got abused by her parents. I don't agree or justify her in any way I mean some parents would strive to treat their kids better and other parents take out their anger and feel like getting revenge on their own children. People cope with things differently.
I absolutely loved this book. I hope to read similar stories like this and try to help out kids that are going through this. After this book I appreciate things more and don't judge others for their appearance at first glance. This book gets a 1000 out of 10


Man,last weekend I went to my little cousins house and they got it bad. I thought I had it bad but it's not until I saw what they were going through. I walked in to the house and it was a total My auntie has three boys and one girl. The oldest one is the girl her name is Maria,the second oldest is Genaro,the third one his name is Jose,and the last one is named Alexis. They are 12, 11, 6,and 4 months old. My uncle loves his children but he blows most of his money on cigarettes. He also has various parties,knowing that he is not financially stable. My other auntie lives at their house too,she is really sick and is disabled.
It's crazy the way they live because if having a lot of people isn't enough imagine having four dogs to feed to. I asked my auntie why she had so many pets and she said that it made her kids happy. I respect that and all but I think she should get pets after they get more stable income. They also live in a very ghetto area. They live in 106th in Birch Street. Genaro,my little cousin, told me that the cops came twice in a row that week. He was present when this man had a gun on his way to the liquor store, he quickly hid behind the bushes all he saw was the man running and the cops pursuing him.The second one was because his neighbors from across the street had a bunch of weapons and drugs, the people escaped and moved I guess but the cops confiscated everything in the house. I was surprised that their parents still let them play outside the house.
Another thing that I saw that was sad, was the fact that they didn't have that much clothes or shoes. My other uncle gives him the hand me downs from his children and my mom occasionally buys them clothes or gets clothes from the school that they get for free. The only one that gets new things sometimes is Maria because shes a girl.
Maria has it hard because her brothers always fight with her and when her parents leave somewhere she has to take care of the boys.She also has to do various chores and clean up after their little brothers. Genaro also has it bad because all he aches for is too spend more time with his dad,he talks to me about how he wishes he was rich and that they had a better,happier life. Whenever he gets money from his parties,he gives it to his parents because he says he wants to help out. Jose is very bubbly and adorable,but he has speaking issues. When I first met him like when he was about five years old he never talked with or in front of me he would stay silent.He has also been held back a year because he does bad at school.Sometimes they don't even have enough to buy food.They don't have internet but at least they finally got cable. I love them so much and I'm so proud that they endure and persevere through tough situations. That's why I love having them at my house because we have a blast and they get to eat and play video games as much as they want.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I go this quote from Rokhsor’s blog that kind of got me thinking:
First, why does she want to be rebellious? She is so innocent, nice and everyone expects a lot from her but for her to think that be being rebellious, people are going to respect her more, I am sorry to say that she is wrong. Some people become rebellious because it is a sign of freedom, some do it to be cool and some do it just because they have never done anything “bad”. I think Bianca should let it go and just be herself.

To answer her question,I think she wants to be rebellious because she wants to have fun after all her hard work has been done. I don’t think that the fact that she wants respect is her case at all I say this because she might not see us at all after she does her rebellious act. I disagree with you on the part that some people are rebellious because it’s a sign of freedom,it’s actually a sign that you don’t care what the world says about what you do and I think it’s a sign of wanting freedom. I agree that some people do it to be cool and bad,but again I don’t think that’s Bianca’s case at all. I know Bianca is innocent,but by committing a rebellious act that she thought of herself and doing it herself is actually being herself. I understand where she’s coming from because everyone wants to do something as considered “rebellious” to have fun after years of hard work.But I don't think she should do something so bad it's considered suspension material.She shouldn't ruin her chances of graduating. So Bianca girl, You do what you want because your working really hard and deserve a moment of freedom.
There were some more quotes in her blog that I disagree with. One of them was:

Now being rebellious to me is overrated and unnecessary because I believe that being rebellious is like going against your parents wants. Listening and making my parents happy is my number one priority. I am completely aware that her point of view on doing something rebellious might be different but for me like I said before, rebellion for teenagers is trying to take control of your own life and let your parents know that you are not going to obey them any longer.

Well are you going to try and make your parents happy for the rest of your life? There is only so much you can do for your parents. I think being rebellious towards your parents is a sign that you want a little more freedom. Sometimes parents are to overprotective,but thats their job,I know. I think in some cases it's good to try and take control of your life a little bit because some parents just want to censor everything like how you dress,talk,what you so,who you hang out with,and your opinions. When parents over control you,you lose who you are. Some parents take advantage of their children's loyalty and respect. It also depends on how parents think of rebellious because some parents think that if their daughters wear make up they are being rebellious or if their children hang out with people they define as "bad". There are a lot of crazy parents out there that make their children want to rebel.

Child called It #2

think this discussion didn’t go so well because I read the whole book so I didn’t have any questions. In this second part of the book,David would try and find various ways to feel safe like having his mom’s friends over and going where his dad was present. In this chapter,his mom also stabbed him on the stomach on accident because she was waving the knife at him in a threatening way and she tripped because David’s little brother was holding on to her leg. But I think that it was really messed up how she just put a towel on his deep injury and made him finish his chores and still sleep in the cot,instead of taking him to the hospital and letting him sleep in a warm comfy bed.She would come up with new ways of torturing him daily. For example,she gave him a time limit for eating the scraps of food and just so she would mess with him some more,she would take away the plate as soon as he moved to eat it.Another form of torture was making him lay in ice cold water in the tub on his belly for hours,he wasn’t allowed to move. She would also make him barf out the food he had digested at school.Another mean thing she would make him do was mow peoples lawns,if he didn’t make enough money she wouldn’t feed him and she would hit him. it was sad to read about the sad hope his dad would feed him,he would tell him that someday they would leave the “mad house” and go somewhere much better.
David’s only hope was his substitute teacher and his dad. After David quit on his dad rescuing him because he would witness his wife abuse his own son without doing anything. His dad would get drunk to avoid his reality and arguing with his wife. He also gave up on helping out David because his mom constantly fought and argued until she won, she would also make David lie to make his father lose the arguments. When his mom was in labor and in the hospital,his dad allowed David to eat and play with his siblings. But other than that his dad didn’t really help out much. His substitute teacher was new hope because she would make him want to learn and would reward her class with food,she would also give him love. He loved school now.
In these chapters,he also told us that his faith in god diminished after a while. The reason why he stopped believing in god was because he got tired of praying and not seeing any results of his pain and suffering ending. If I were in his position I would also hate god and the whole world because no one is helping me even though im wearing disgusting old clothes,and smell bad and have obvious abuse bruises and marks all over my body.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Jersey Shore!

I just had to blog about this! This show is one of the best shows on television! It’s so funny and a great way to pass time. I personally love it so much. I’ve learned so much from it. The reason I love it so much is because of the characters, they couldn’t have picked better characters than them.

My favorite guys are Pauly D and Vinny. I love Pauly D because he is so hilarious and so damn sexy! Other than the whole player issue he would be the perfect boyfriend! He always lightens the mood up when tensions are high and he doesn’t really get into fights. Vinny is so adorable and sweet,he’s the type of guy I would marry. I like the fact that he knows how to treat a girl :),he also knows how to talk back to the situation when he’s bothering him. My favorite girls are Jwow and Snooki. Jwow is sooo gorgeous and knows how to fight and stand up for herself. It was so Epic when she socked the situation when she was pist, she doesn’t take anyones crap! Snooki is so cute and fun. She was the first one to be like bring out the bottle and lets get it poppin! She’s funny too and is very loving. I don’t get why people hate on her. My least favorite one is Angelina,I mean she’s pretty but she’s a two faced,shit starting type of person. She always tried to get the others to turn on each other and fight. I’m not that into the Situation because he’s old,creepy,and to cocky. He always took off his shirt, I was like no boo put it back down ain’t no one wana see that sorry. Ronnie cheated on his girlfriend and didn’t deserve a second chance and he put his hand up to a woman that is not cute! Sammie I wasn’t all that into her because she’s too dramatic and emotional and claimed that most females are fake that’s why she doesn’t have a girl best friend. I dislike her because she forgave Ronnie and started hating on Jwow.

I love that show! I hope the new season comes out quickly! For those who haven’t watched it,I highly reccomend it.

A child called it discussion

A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer, is a very sad and touching story. He is one of my role models because no matter how bad his family treats him he still manages to persevere. This book shows us the horrors of alcohol addiction. It pretty much shows all the struggles he had to endure from his alcoholic,psycho mother. She used to starve him,hit him,and play these sick games with him. She would always get bored and find new ways to torture him. She would mostly read them in the newspaper,for example she used mix Clorox and ammonia in a bucket and put Dave and the bucket in the bathroom,it was basically a gas chamber. One time she almost made him sit on top of a burning stove,but he managed to escape doing that because he knew his brother was coming home in a few so he made some time by defying his mother . That’s another reason why he is my role model because he always came up with plans to keep himself alive. When he was hungry,he would steal or take extra lunches or go home to home and lie that he lost his lunch. The thing I didn’t understand was the fact that he still managed to love his mother and that he didn’t want to tell the cops or teachers about her abuse because he wanted to protect her.

In the discussion,we talked about how his dad was a coward and didn’t take a stand for his own son. At the beginning of his mothers abuse,his dad would have arguments with her and would secretly feed him,but all of a sudden his mom dominated his dad. His dad would feed him false hope like telling him that they would soon leave and live happier lives,that’s just messed up! I’m not saying its all his dad’s fault but he could have taken him away or reported her. We also talked about why didn’t the people at school report this. He used to come to school with various visible bruises and his hygiene lacked. If I were a teacher, I would have reported it to the cops not the parents and try my best to nurse him back. Another thing we talked about was,why didn’t Dave tell anyone so he could be free,why did he want to protect his mother? I think he didn’t tell because he was just a kid and when your a kid you love your mother no matter what and you still have hope.

Overall,I think the book is good and there is plenty of good discussions to go along with it, I like this book a lot. I like this book because it truly brings out the emotions out of you and shows whether you have a heart or not.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

overal review

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is a great,mind-boggling book. It is historical fiction but the detail in this story makes it feel as if it happened in real life.This book is bascaly about two friends that have to endure and go through obstacles with their friendship and life at Kabul. This book involves a lot of regret,anger,twist,and sadness. In my opinion, it is really depressing and it go me very frustrated.Warning there will be spoilers...this is just a Spoiler Alert!

(8)Two characters that interested me are Hassan and Amir. What interested me the most is their strange relationship. Amir wasn’t intentionally mean to Hassan, I mean he was just a kid. I think he was mostly jealous of Hassan because he had gotten a lot of attention and praise from Baba and also because of Hassan’s kind attitude. He was also jealous because Hassan was so brave and defended him. Amir couldn’t do that , he couldn’t even defend himself. He forced Hassan to do things he didn’t want to do like throwing rocks at a dog with a slingshot,but yet Hassan did them. In this story, I could feel the love Hassan had towards Amir because he never got mad at him like when Amir threw pomegranates at him and would apologize for things he didn’t do like stealing the watch(wich he didn’t steal) and would do things for him just so Amir could be happy. Amir got me frustrated because he didn’t defend his best friend and found many ways to make Hassan look guilty. He didn’t do anything to try and prevent Assef from raping Hassan,he just stood there and watched,he could have at least gone to get help. The only reason Hassan got raped was because he wouldn’t give up Amir’s kite. He made Hassan look guilty by framing him with the watch. He told his dad that he found he watch under Hassan’s pillow so his dad got mad but forgave him right away. This made Amir a little more angry and jealous because when they decided to leave,he didn’t even go and say goodbye. The guilt followed Amir all through out his life,he tried to repress it but it still came back sooner or later. Also, carma got him because he got whooped by Assef and felt the guilt when he found out Hassan died and he couldn’t do anything about it or have the chance to fix things. I think adopting Sohrab was a type of forgiveness or time to make things right but if it weren’t for Rakhim’s set up,Amir would have never taken in Sohrab because he is selfish.

(4)The authors style of writing has a lot of twist and turns that keeps the reader on the edge of their seat. His style of writing is very exhilarating and it kept me hooked.It taught me a lot about Afghanistan,like the wars they have to go through,poverty,change,etc. This story brings out a lot of emotions in people so be prepared to cry and use tissues or get so angry that u need to cuss or hit someone. This book got me really mad at the end because it didn’t end the way I wanted it 2 end. It had a super sad ending,I expected a happy ending. This books shows you the reality about life,it’s not always happy and doesn’t always end so great like in television shows and it makes you face the truth about reality. Like for example, the war thats going on in Afghanistan leaves a numerous amount of children without parents,shelter,food ,or clothes. Also, a lot of innocent people are killed during this process and they also have to witness their loved ones die one by one.An example of this is,”..was that I was lonely.By then most of my friends and relatives had either been killed or had escaped the country to Pakistan or Iran.”This is just one of example of one persons life. There are way more painful ones,like Sohrab his dad got shot and so did his mom,he had no more family left so he was forced to go to an orphanage. When someone took him for adoption,they sexually abused him and made him do cruel things like do monkey dances. When he was in the orphanage he would go through hunger and loneliness because the orphanages were poor and couldn’t afford a proper amount of provisions.This book style was very informative,exciting,frustrating,and sad I give it a 5/5.

(2) I would recommend this book to people who are interested in life in Afghanistan or people who are searching for a book that includes a lot of confusion and excitement and a book that involves reality. I would recommend this book to many people because after reading this magnificent book it deserves to be read by others. If other people read this,I think it will raise a little awareness about what the people in Afghanistan are going through and that we can help out. We can help out by donating food and money. Also, do something about people killing innocent people. I admit that the book wasn’t so great in the beginning,but once I got farther it started to interest me and make sense. I also thought it was going to involve a lot of religion and stuff like that, I wasn’t too happy about that because I ‘m not into religious things. This book is also for people that hate happy endings because it’s not reality. In real life, you don’t live happily ever after, life still goes on even after you get married. This book changed how I viewed Afghanistan because I would buy into others opinions and things that I saw on television. This book can also help friendship because it can give you a reality check on how someone is there one day and gone the other, so you need to respect and love them because you never know when you might lose them for good. i personally think, you should read the book more than twice so you can a better understanding and some morals out of it because once you revise something more than once you start to unravel some new ideas.I strongly recommend this book to everyone!!!!! It’s one of the best books i’ve read.!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Kite Runner

In the beggining of the Kite Runner,it was sort of confusing and didn't immediately get me hooked. But as I got farther in the chapters,I started understanding and feeling a lot of emotions. It mostly brought me anger,frustration,and a questioning feeling.

In the last couple of chapters, Amir meets up with Assef once again. I think this is carma for not helping Hassan out. Amir got what he deserved but what he did was still unforgivable. Some of the pumishments he has gotten are not being able to have babies,loosing people he loves,getting beat up,and not being able to apologize to Hassan. He deserves more lessons because if Hassan were still alive he probably wouldn't apologize.

Amir is really selfish! I say this because even after Rakhim told him about Sohrab,he felt sorry for himself and didn't wana go back to Kabul to at least help out his own blood. when he did accept to go he wasn't planning on keeping his last family member. He also doesn't want to help the poor innocent orphans. I think he should donate money to orphanages to decrease at least a little bit of their suffering.

Can't Amir take hints? In the letter that Hassan wrote, It talked about how his wife got beaten at a grocery shop for talking loud and how he had to witness his wife get beaten and he couldn't prevent it. I think this was Hassan's way of showing forgiveness of the incident that happened and that he wasn't holding a grudge. He knew that if Amir stepped in something would have happened to Amir to.

Sohrab's life is very sad and heart breaking. I understand why he attempted to commit suicide and why he muted or shut the world out. If I were in his position, I would have done the same thing. I wonder what's going to happen with him though???

I think Assef should be dead right now because it's not a valid reason to slaughter your own people because you witnessed sad things. He is a bully and needs to die right now!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Guys are pimps, Girls are sluts wtf?

I don't quite grasp this concept that when guys play or date numerous amount girls they are pimpin ,but if a girl does the same she is referred to as a slut. I decided to write about this because my brother walked in and I was listening to indigo vanity-I play games and he said,"Hahaha I bet that slut must have been played a lot of times." I had asked him why he said that.He said,"Because you can hella tell. When a female plays a guy is because they got played and their hearts broken many times so the only thing they can do is turn into sluts." I was like,"WTH??? Maybe they just want to do it because there not ready to get into a serious relationship or relationships aren't their thing."He responded with,"Mm,like I said BOP!"

Why is it that it's okay for males to do these things and talk about it like in raps,etc. but for women it is frowned upon? Some people said because women end up with consequences like for example ending up pregnant. But my brother called her slut for playing them, not taking in any sexual activity. Some other people said because it's more common for a girl to be the ones who are cheated on and get their heart broken and since it's kind of uncommon for guys to get their hearts broken, they get pity. I still don't know why this happens.

What also gets me mad is that it's not only men who get mad and talk bad about women who do this,It's also other women. Some women comment on this because their jealous or have different thoughts about how it should be handled or they were raised with different beliefs about how women should treat men. I don't think people should judge them for what or why they play guys because it's their decision and they don't know what those women have gone through.

What? I'm not starting "WAR" with you

I hear where your coming from, but your offending me when you said:
Stop arguing about Justin Beiber. It doesn't matter. No matter how essential you believe it is that everyone in the whole damn world be in love with Beiber, or that everyone hate him, it still doesn't matter. So give it a rest, because we're tired of hearing it.-Constance

Nobody was being rude to you by simply posting up the way they felt towards Justin Bieber, there was no harm done in this process because in the end we knew that we were going to stick to our opinions. You are provoking us and in this quote you are proving me right that your being intolerant. If you were intolerant, you wouldn't have told us to stop posting stuff about J.B and that no one cared. Apparently you are denying me the right to my opinion because your telling me to give it a rest. I think that before you write things like that, you should take into consideration that this is the way you feel not as you said "everyone."

It's all right with me if you guys disagree with each other, but why can't you respect that other people have opinions just as much as you do? Why can't you just agree to disagree?-Constance

As for this quote, never did I said you should love Justin Bieber because I said so I was just joking around when I said people listen to him secretly. Of course, I don't know that for sure because I'm not watching there every move. I am respecting others opinions because I'm not saying that they should become their fans because he's the best person on Earth. Besides, that's what makes posting blogs like that,fun because you get responses and you can have little,civil discussions.

There is no point in attempting to provoke me. My point is to prevent an argument, not to start a new one. Go ahead and continue arguing if you want, I guess, instead of learning to be understanding of others.-Constance

I'm not at all trying to provoke you. I felt offended by some of the comments you made on your previous post you made. I think some of the comments could have been left unsaid. I'm no longer trying to argue, I did make the mistake of confusing you with a JB hater but I think you should understand that it's really rude saying that what we put up doesn't matter. I do get why some people hate on him but if they can defend what they believe why can't I? Why do you see it as me not understanding there views? I can understand but that doesn't necessarily mean to agree and stay silent about it. Like I said nobody is getting hurt by us posting this, no ones forcing the people who don't "care" to read it.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Excuse You;response to Constance

I got this quote from Constance's blog:
You know what? I don't give a damn about Justin Beiber. He's a singer, and some people like him, and that's fine for them. Some people don't like him, and that's fine for them too. I'm sick of everyone trying to force their opinions on everyone else. Why can't we just let people have their own preferences? Is a little tolerance really too much to ask?
Stop arguing about Justin Beiber. It doesn't matter. No matter how essential you believe it is that everyone in the whole damn world be in love with Beiber, or that everyone hate him, it still doesn't matter. So give it a rest, because we're tired of hearing it.
Umm nobody is forcing their opinions on anyone okay! We have the right to express our opinions about whatever we want. You might not give a damn about him but we do. Just because you don't like him and don't listen to his music, it doesn't mean that the whole world is going to stop this because what you say. quite frankly you should eat your own words because you are not being tolerant yourself were not the ones getting all crazy and angry about the opposing side disagreeing with us. We can argue about Justin Bieber all we want, there is no law or rule stating that we stop. Also, speak for yourself when you say no one cares and your tired of hearing it because no one else is complaining but you. If this bothers you a lot then simply don't read it,it's that easy! I suggest that you don't read the haters and fans of Justin Biebers blogs because your the only one being all dramatic about it. If you don't listen to him thats great for you and if you don't like our little discussions about him then why don't you give it a rest because I honestly it doesn't matter either

Justin Bieber club!

Yeah you read the title right! We are going to have a Justin Bieber club. We decided to have a club about him specifically because he is super cute and talented. He deserves to have a fan club. If you love Justin Bieber whether it's for his personality,cuteness,or his singing you should join this club.

What we will do in this club is look at pictures of Justin Bieber,go to his shows,join online clubs, buy shirts and bracelets of him,and gossip about his life. I know this sounds a little creepy or's really not,it's perfectly normal. We will also try to get his number and talk with him backstage and get him to sign our stuff then we will come back to school bring the Justin Bieber things and talk about how we met him and how awesome it was. We will enjoy Justin Bieber shows on t.v and hang out at stores that have his merchandise.

If there is a Justin look alike on the streets we will ask him to be in our club and we are going to make him our leader...jk But if there is, I am going to get his number. Also, we are oing to get all heated and mad when we talk about the person who threw a water bottle at his precious head and any girls he's made out with or will go out with. Justin Bieber fans are increasing faster and faster, we will soon enough become a Justin Bieber Nation!

Justin Bieber is too cute!!! Even if you say you hate him and that his voice sounds like a girl,you know that you secretely like him and secretely listen to his music in the room and you sing along with it in the dark. Oh yeah i know your secret! We encourage you to join even if you are a fan under cover but you need to show off your inner Bieber Fever.
xoxoxoxoxoxo Justil Bieber xoxooxoxo

This is not an official club(yet) but we will do the stuff I listed at the top.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

book review!!!

This book Isn’t like most books out there,it’s very unique and original.
I have read numerous books that contained some of the same plots or experiences said in The Kite Runner but none were blended in like in this one.This book talks about actual life in Afghanistan but also speaks about his personal experiences and contains flashbacks.This book seemed boring at first,but now that I have read some of it I have gotten hooked.With other books,the thing that catches my eye is the title or when i skim through it,it gives me a good overall impression that makes me want to read it immediately.You can’t necessarily tell what this book is actually about just from reading the title.It doesn’t give hints.
Honestly,I would have never chosen this book if I saw it randomly on a book shelf,but now that I know more about it,I’m hooked.No book that I have seen so far incorporates the same things he did.The saying don’t judge a book by it’s cover is included in here.
The reality of this book hits me harder than most books.It’s sad reading about this because there friendship is dying and Hassan has to endure a lot of pain just for his friend that he loves.Most books contain common things like you fight with your friend over something small or over boy etc.This book actually gives me the sense that I’m there and I am a character in there too.When I read this book,it brings a lot of emotions out of me like anger,sadness,nothing happy so far.I can’t actually connect to this because my losses of friends are nothing compared to this one. My overall opinion of this book is outstanding and intense.Now that I have read this book,I will try my best to picking out plenty more,no matter how boring the title is.I encourage others to read this book and actually have an open-mind to be able to feel the emotion.
This book is one in a million. :)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Reflective Essay

No matter whats reading peoples work always keeps me going and inspires me.

Receiving various amounts of feedback helps you think and look at your writing differently. It has helped me grow by making me alert on what mistakes I am making and what I am doing good. In some cases I would rather get feedback on what I can improve on instead of kudos. I say this because when you are told that you can change something or make it better then your writing improves drastically and you do better on the next paper you write. At first I only wanted kudos because there basically compliments but now I realize that if I only received kudos,my writing would not improve or change.Every time I got my paper back,I would always see many mistakes and things that said,”Fix grammar” or “Be more specific on who they is.”Those are minor things I can modify in my writing but I was hoping for something more complex that would actually change my writing for the better like the message is unclear or if you incorporate a little more feeling or description in this paragraph it would flow much better. I occasionally received feedback like that but it was mostly after Ms.Corbally revised and graded it.But it’s ironic how I want to receive feedback but yet I don’t give feedback.I don’t give feedback most of the time because I feel like I'm being mean or I'm going to shatter their way of thinking.But I do give really good feedback only if their essay is a mess!Now I know that any type of feedback is useful and needs to be stated in order to help the writer.As you can see, feedback helps 90% of the time.

Everybody gets writers block from time to time. The best thing I could do is relax and just look at things on the Internet or read other peoples blogs or hop on Facebook and do quizzes or read my text messages.When I did this I would form an idea or story in my head before I dove in and wrote about it. Most of the things I wrote on my blog were about my opinion on things or what I like.Or also arguments I got into for stating my opinion.In the beginning, I thought it was going to be easy but after I found out the requirements I got stressed out.What makes it difficult is the fact that sometimes you write about something you enjoy writing about,but you don’t want to be boring and go on and on about just one topic on each blog.It gets sort of easy once you start typing because as you type a lot of ideas pop in to your head.I didn’t like going to the lab to type because you can’t just type something on command and I didn’t get inspired in there because you can’t surf the web to find good topics on those computers or log into Facebook. I also enjoy writing about experiences at school but they have to really catch my attention in order for me to type about it. What also helped me type was getting responses from other people that responded to my previous post.If they shared a different opinion or something new I liked I would post something that either argued with them or agreeing with them.I also like it when people respond because it’s nice reading a different point of view,if it’s really good and convincing it changes my opinion but this has not happened yet because I stand up and stick with what I believe in.I like when people rebuttal and challenge me because it brings ma A game out.It’s easy finding things that inspire you,you just have to search up or look at things your interested in.

Blogs can change how you think or who you are as a person. Blogs changed me somehow because when I type something up I find myself building up a stronger belief towards it and when I see good outcomes from it like people agreeing to it,it makes me feel way stronger about it.But if somebody goes against what I say and I don’t have anything to say back that means I kind of agree or think they have some good points.When you read other peoples blog post you learn new things about the world,society,or just about them.If you read a post talking about yourself like what you have been through and what struggles or obstacles you overcame,you see that person in different eyes. Or when you read a post about a problem in the world,you try and make a difference or appreciate what you have.It has also changed my awareness on what I write because if you say something offensive you will have a lot of problems. By the end of the year, I think i will have many new perspectives on things,more knowledge,and slightly changed opinions.It also changes your study habits because me personally I've been improving little by little on realizing that I need to turn in things on time.I’m not saying the blogs change me completely but they change some of ma ways of thinking and things I do.

Now that I know all of this,the following semester I am going to try my best to complete everything on time and find more things to spark my interest.I will read numerous amounts of blog post so I can respond to them or just to help me create a new post.I will also proof read my work before publishing it and as I read over them I will keep the feedback that was given to me in mind.Peoples work are life savers because they help you out by giving you ideas.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I kill people lol

I was listening to this one song called I Kill People. Even though it's hela funny it got me thinking.It got me thinking about how people automatically assume guns are dangerous.But they aren't it really depends on who has the gun.It's not like the gun shoots itself.Also,that people find it raw to kill someone.

Guns,drugs,or alcohol don't actually mess up your life,the way people choose to use them do.Yes these things harm people daily but people are causing these horrific harms.When you are the one holding the gun,you don't care about the person you are about to kill because you have no emotions towards them because their strangers.when your on the other end of the gun you are afraid and your life flashes before your eyes.

Violence is part of our society.Someone is killed each day and it's sad that all of this is happening.When i watch the news I feel bad but don't really take into consideration how the it would be the dead persons family.I used to just watch it and be like ohh well there goes another.But now i feel for the family and people who loved them.

My friend also got jumped today.He told me that him and his friends were calling one of their friends over but these Nortenos thought they were calling them over.The Nortenos approached them and brought out a gun,Luckily their friend Giovanni stepped in and said,"if your going to do anything to them you have to go through me."The Nortenos and Giovanni were patnas so the Nortenos left them alone.My friend said he was terrified and was about to pull out a blade on them and that if it weren't for Giovanni he would have been dead.Im glad nothing bad went down.

Love isn't for the soft hearted or the low minded?

Man im tired of people telling me that love exist i just need to give it some time and blah blah blah! I could care less,just because you have it doesn't guarantee i will have it.Most of the people that tell me there in love either break up or cheat on each other. In todays society,you can never tell wether someone is lying or speaking the truth about their feelings.Because nowadays is all about being a player and stuff like that.They think it's cool and don't take in consideration the other peoples feelings.I got this quote from Rokhsor's blog:
I feel it is a waste of time to fall for someone to fall in love and then end up broken hearted. Most people end up in a relationship where things are going just great but not everyone is all that fortunate. Just because you are in love, dos not mean other people cannot talk about how they think love is fake.

This exactly what i feel and think. Not everyone is that lucky to find someone that clicks with them and have real feelings towards them.Some people trip way to much when others talk about how love is fake.If you strongly believe love is real then you can just ignore instead of argue about it.It's useless battling it out because at the end im going to still stick to my opinion.

Last time I told my brother man im tired of you talkimg about how you Love this one chick and by the next week you have a new one,it's like wtf?,didn't you Love her.He then said that he don't Love them like he used to love the girl that broke his heart but he does have some feelings for them.I'm like if you don't Love them,theres no need to lie,this is just proving my point that love is fake.Then he said dam shut up Love exist,it's just that Love isn't meant for the soft hearted ot the low minded.I started laughing because if your not supposed to have a soft heart then how the hell do you fall in love and treat this person right.Then he pulled out his poetic side and said,"Love is like a diamond,you get hurt looking for it but when you find it, it's yours forever."I was like oohh no,well Love is like a knife it stabs your heart and carves in painful memories.We just stared at each other because none of us were giving in.He left with an angry unsatisfied face :). For now i don't know if i will find it now but when im older you never know.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

OMG! Where do I start? Kool-aid is just one of the best drinks ever!I don't know how people back in the day could live without it.When I first took a sip of it I was addicted.At my house there is always kool-aid available.You look in the cupboards theres kool-aid,you look in the drawers theres kool-aid,and you search the refrigerator looky here theres kool-aid :)
Kool-aid goes with anything you eat.Especially with fried chicken,mmmm just thinking about it makes my mouth water.Once you match does two up you will want to eat them all the time! If I could iI would buy all the kool-aid in the world. If something bad were to happen to it I would die.I mean it's the perfect drink! You can drink in the summer,in the winter,in your house,at a party, anywhere. It's sweet and delicious.There's various flavors like grape,tropical punch, strawberry, cherry,lemon lime,orange,raspberry,and there were way more but they were either discontinued or they aren't sold worldwide. The kool-aid man looks yummy but he gets annoying when he says,"Ohh Yeah."I mean can't he say anything else??He's still awesome though.My preferred flavor is Tropical Punch it's my favorite! So yeah i encourage you guys to go buy some Kool-aid.
Kool-aid is like a wonderful treat god gave to us.He decided to reward us for our good behavior throughout the years....Kool-aid is sold everywhere like at Walgreens, Walmart, basicaly any drug store. Kool-aid is good for the soul.If your at a barbecue you can enjoy a cold tasty cup of kool-aid and have a blast.Kids will love you if u serve this cup of joy to them.nothing will ever beat kool-aid.i don’t care if people say its water with dye and sugar,its still really good and rocks my taste buds. If you haven't tried it yet I highly recommend it.Ily kool-aid you complete my life :) You will always be in my heart lol

Friday, October 1, 2010

response 2 Justin Bieber

I got this great quotes from Billy's blog:
I really need to talk about something VERY important. Everyone knows who Justin Bieber, but why does everyone hate him. Mr. Bieber is a regular normal teenager (just like all of us) who has an amazing voice and is very popular.....

.....If you still feel the same way, just think about how many more girls he could get more than you, or guys. By the way this is my current favorite song by him............

Billy brings up some very true and valid points.People probably just hate on him becuase theitr jelouse or just have nothing better to do.I dont understand why people despise him. He hasn't done anything to cause this hatred.He is very talented and nice.You might hate him for his looks and all but those aren't very good reasons to hate on him.No matter how much you hate on him he's still going to be makin money and getting girls.His voice isn't going to change anytime soon by rude comments.If he didn't have that angelic voice he wouldn't be famous.He's just a normal but famous teenager so just leave him alone jeez!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010


I got this quote from Kristine Chin's response to change for who?:
We have to realize that we are all beautiful no matter what society labels as it's definition of beautiful. There shouldn't be a time in which you don't feel like your're not enough simply because you are not society's model of "perfect". Do not let the voice of society keep you from being you and believing that you are awesome the way you are.

I agree 100% with this quote but I believe it is impossible to accomplish.How can people possibly feel this way when there's a whole bunch of pressure,teasing,and taunting around them that hurts and lowers their self esteem?There aren't many open-minded people in this world who accept you for how you look and for who you are.Im not saying that people should keep falling into societies pressure,I'm just asking for good ways for people to feel confident and not let the taunting get to them? I mean nobody is forcing someone to change their looks.If you get taunted or bullied for how you look and you feel as if you have to change or do something about it,it's nobody else is decision but yours.What are you supposed to do when you don't fit in with the rest of the other people not mentally or emotionally but physically. For example,at your school there might be mostly slender girls but there's one chunky girl,as you can see that can bring many insecurities and anger towards yourself. You might feel that there is something wrong with you,when really there isn't, but no one can change the way you feel no matter the amount of compliments you get.In most cases taunting is more powerful than compliments. It's especially hard for women to think like that because the media mostly targets women.Women change or modify themselves to be thought of as beautiful for either themselves or men.How are you to love yourself when there is a bunch of beautiful girls in magazines thought of as perfect? Also,when people agree that you would be better off looking like them?

ilove you is an 8 letter word so is bullsh*t!

I remember one day I told Ivan that I had fallen in Love. He told me something that i just barely realized is actually true. He told me:
Love is fake.At the beginning I was like no but if you really think about it,it is.And it's not just my experience figure it out! How many times have you fallen in love? A couple of times,actually three.And out of those three they ended nowhere and your barely beginning this one! All love basically is you give someone all the love you have until they decided to hurt you or end it.Like life,love doesn't last forever.Some people all they do is wish to find love and have someone to call theirs and have beside them and the truth is some people never meet anyone or they become heart broken.How many people end up in divorce,how many people cheat,didn't they love the person?Maybe once but it went away,Love doesn't last forever!Love is just a word that someone made like all the other words.It's fake!It ends worse than how you begin,instead of happiness,it's hate and depression.
When he first sent me this message i was like pshhh nah he's just being a bitter hater.I didn't even want to take the time to re-read it or reflect upon it.My relationship with the guy ended because I didn't actually love him,I just said I loved him because I didn't want to hurt him.My previous relationships ended because we ended up playing each other or losing that once special spark.I should have listened to Ivan before.Every word he spoke was true.I occasionally did just want to have someone to call mine without actually having feelings towards them.Love does fade away.There have been various divorces and a lot of people do cheat on their supposed,"Amor." I'm not anti-love is just that i haven't seen proof of any long lasting love without any difficulties or problems.

Monday, September 20, 2010



Monday, September 13, 2010

people ILove

I love Karisa,Rokhsor,Shannon,Bassam,Lhadze,Luis,Ebone,Ivan,and Yen. I love karisa because she's really fun to talk to and is so sweet and pretty. I love Rokhsor because shes funny,loud,ghetto,and drop dead gorgeous.I Love shannon forever and ever because she sings so beautifully,and is soo cute and pretty :)shannon if you are reading this Ilove you with all my heart(no homo) I love Bassam because he always manages to make me laugh,brings me joy,keeps secrets,and is super fun and good looking. I love Lhadze because she cut my hair in the bathroom,shops at Hot Topic,and is breath takingly beautiful. I love Ebone because she cares for others,is nice,funny,and Hot :). I love Luis because he makes me mad and makes me laugh,he also is very trustworthy and is handsome. I love Ivan because he is just too funny and loud,creative and he's my best friend.Finally, I love Yen because he's hilarious,me and him automatically clicked and hes adorable! These are just the few people I love. There all unique and very awesome to hang out with. They all rock my world :D!! Ohh and i can't forget my main girls Vanessa and Iana. They the best people in the world!! There so funny, gossipy, Cute,fun, feisty, spunky,and there just the type of people you just want to talk to and hang out.

If i didn't list you in this it's because i forgot or i dont know you. You should talk to me because i want to LOVE YOU(not in a nasty way). Wel i hope you talk to me soon i'm very laid back and friendly :) also,if you really want me to love you,you should bring me some chocolate.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Quote I agree with and really liked from Rokhsor Yusufi was:
I just stood there and watched her curse at me. I felt mad and rather humiliated so I laughed at her and told her that she had wasted her breath because I was not listening to a single word she said and that she just made a fool of herself because she seemed pathetic. I also told her how annoying I thought she was and how much it bugged me when she did what she did at lunch. That was when all of my friends realized that I was the right one and they all came back to me and told me that she was pathetic and that it was a good thing that I stood up for myself.

I liked it because its true and I'm proud that she expressed how she felt instead of cursing back at her and made a huge scene. I never would have done such a brave and wise thing, I would have cursed back and fought her because I hate fake people and people who are to afraid to run up. She showed a lot of leadership because she stood up for not just herself but for a others as well. The asti agreement/rules that best matches this quote is number six speak up for yourself and others.This one clearly shows it because the other girls felt the same way but didn't want to say anything about it.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


13.'Just Kidding and Ganging up'

A time I remember when I formed an alliance to make someone feel bad was when we made fun of this Arab girl because she mugged us. There were other people involved in this alliance there names were Erika and Patricia they were my best friends. This made me feel very powerful, ghetto,and in charge. My options were to either speak to her and try to become friends with her or keep making fun of her and risk getting in trouble with my teacher,principle,and parents. People bully others because they wanna pick fights or they are insecure and unsure about themselves so they project those feelings on to others or they feel jealous or threatened by someone. I think that the thing that makes them want to hurt their peers is a whole lot of jealousy,sadness,or anger built up in them. Or also revenge and hatred towards someone they envy. In most cases, people fall into peer pressure and feel cool if they pick on someone with a group of people,they follow the crowd. Even though I have bullied a couple of times, it really isn't worth it because you need to step in to that persons shoes and ask yourself what if I got bullied like that? I also wouldn't want to have the blame for shattering someones dream or intimidating them, my conscience wouldn't be at peace. What I mean by shattering someones dream is that they might want to be a model or something else and if you tell them something like your ugly or your useless it might discourage them. I am con bullying or joking around.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Who are you?
Who am I?
Why aren't you shaking as much as me?
Why am I feeling strange and alone?

As i step into your world my mind goes blank
After i gather my thoughts
I stand there thinking twice before I step into your world

I ask myself what are they talking about?
Are they talking about me because I'm different?
The fear in my eyes?

Why cant i fit in?
Why do i feel this way?
we are all unique and different dont let anything or anyone change that