Friday, October 29, 2010

Reflective Essay

No matter whats reading peoples work always keeps me going and inspires me.

Receiving various amounts of feedback helps you think and look at your writing differently. It has helped me grow by making me alert on what mistakes I am making and what I am doing good. In some cases I would rather get feedback on what I can improve on instead of kudos. I say this because when you are told that you can change something or make it better then your writing improves drastically and you do better on the next paper you write. At first I only wanted kudos because there basically compliments but now I realize that if I only received kudos,my writing would not improve or change.Every time I got my paper back,I would always see many mistakes and things that said,”Fix grammar” or “Be more specific on who they is.”Those are minor things I can modify in my writing but I was hoping for something more complex that would actually change my writing for the better like the message is unclear or if you incorporate a little more feeling or description in this paragraph it would flow much better. I occasionally received feedback like that but it was mostly after Ms.Corbally revised and graded it.But it’s ironic how I want to receive feedback but yet I don’t give feedback.I don’t give feedback most of the time because I feel like I'm being mean or I'm going to shatter their way of thinking.But I do give really good feedback only if their essay is a mess!Now I know that any type of feedback is useful and needs to be stated in order to help the writer.As you can see, feedback helps 90% of the time.

Everybody gets writers block from time to time. The best thing I could do is relax and just look at things on the Internet or read other peoples blogs or hop on Facebook and do quizzes or read my text messages.When I did this I would form an idea or story in my head before I dove in and wrote about it. Most of the things I wrote on my blog were about my opinion on things or what I like.Or also arguments I got into for stating my opinion.In the beginning, I thought it was going to be easy but after I found out the requirements I got stressed out.What makes it difficult is the fact that sometimes you write about something you enjoy writing about,but you don’t want to be boring and go on and on about just one topic on each blog.It gets sort of easy once you start typing because as you type a lot of ideas pop in to your head.I didn’t like going to the lab to type because you can’t just type something on command and I didn’t get inspired in there because you can’t surf the web to find good topics on those computers or log into Facebook. I also enjoy writing about experiences at school but they have to really catch my attention in order for me to type about it. What also helped me type was getting responses from other people that responded to my previous post.If they shared a different opinion or something new I liked I would post something that either argued with them or agreeing with them.I also like it when people respond because it’s nice reading a different point of view,if it’s really good and convincing it changes my opinion but this has not happened yet because I stand up and stick with what I believe in.I like when people rebuttal and challenge me because it brings ma A game out.It’s easy finding things that inspire you,you just have to search up or look at things your interested in.

Blogs can change how you think or who you are as a person. Blogs changed me somehow because when I type something up I find myself building up a stronger belief towards it and when I see good outcomes from it like people agreeing to it,it makes me feel way stronger about it.But if somebody goes against what I say and I don’t have anything to say back that means I kind of agree or think they have some good points.When you read other peoples blog post you learn new things about the world,society,or just about them.If you read a post talking about yourself like what you have been through and what struggles or obstacles you overcame,you see that person in different eyes. Or when you read a post about a problem in the world,you try and make a difference or appreciate what you have.It has also changed my awareness on what I write because if you say something offensive you will have a lot of problems. By the end of the year, I think i will have many new perspectives on things,more knowledge,and slightly changed opinions.It also changes your study habits because me personally I've been improving little by little on realizing that I need to turn in things on time.I’m not saying the blogs change me completely but they change some of ma ways of thinking and things I do.

Now that I know all of this,the following semester I am going to try my best to complete everything on time and find more things to spark my interest.I will read numerous amounts of blog post so I can respond to them or just to help me create a new post.I will also proof read my work before publishing it and as I read over them I will keep the feedback that was given to me in mind.Peoples work are life savers because they help you out by giving you ideas.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I kill people lol

I was listening to this one song called I Kill People. Even though it's hela funny it got me thinking.It got me thinking about how people automatically assume guns are dangerous.But they aren't it really depends on who has the gun.It's not like the gun shoots itself.Also,that people find it raw to kill someone.

Guns,drugs,or alcohol don't actually mess up your life,the way people choose to use them do.Yes these things harm people daily but people are causing these horrific harms.When you are the one holding the gun,you don't care about the person you are about to kill because you have no emotions towards them because their strangers.when your on the other end of the gun you are afraid and your life flashes before your eyes.

Violence is part of our society.Someone is killed each day and it's sad that all of this is happening.When i watch the news I feel bad but don't really take into consideration how the it would be the dead persons family.I used to just watch it and be like ohh well there goes another.But now i feel for the family and people who loved them.

My friend also got jumped today.He told me that him and his friends were calling one of their friends over but these Nortenos thought they were calling them over.The Nortenos approached them and brought out a gun,Luckily their friend Giovanni stepped in and said,"if your going to do anything to them you have to go through me."The Nortenos and Giovanni were patnas so the Nortenos left them alone.My friend said he was terrified and was about to pull out a blade on them and that if it weren't for Giovanni he would have been dead.Im glad nothing bad went down.

Love isn't for the soft hearted or the low minded?

Man im tired of people telling me that love exist i just need to give it some time and blah blah blah! I could care less,just because you have it doesn't guarantee i will have it.Most of the people that tell me there in love either break up or cheat on each other. In todays society,you can never tell wether someone is lying or speaking the truth about their feelings.Because nowadays is all about being a player and stuff like that.They think it's cool and don't take in consideration the other peoples feelings.I got this quote from Rokhsor's blog:
I feel it is a waste of time to fall for someone to fall in love and then end up broken hearted. Most people end up in a relationship where things are going just great but not everyone is all that fortunate. Just because you are in love, dos not mean other people cannot talk about how they think love is fake.

This exactly what i feel and think. Not everyone is that lucky to find someone that clicks with them and have real feelings towards them.Some people trip way to much when others talk about how love is fake.If you strongly believe love is real then you can just ignore instead of argue about it.It's useless battling it out because at the end im going to still stick to my opinion.

Last time I told my brother man im tired of you talkimg about how you Love this one chick and by the next week you have a new one,it's like wtf?,didn't you Love her.He then said that he don't Love them like he used to love the girl that broke his heart but he does have some feelings for them.I'm like if you don't Love them,theres no need to lie,this is just proving my point that love is fake.Then he said dam shut up Love exist,it's just that Love isn't meant for the soft hearted ot the low minded.I started laughing because if your not supposed to have a soft heart then how the hell do you fall in love and treat this person right.Then he pulled out his poetic side and said,"Love is like a diamond,you get hurt looking for it but when you find it, it's yours forever."I was like oohh no,well Love is like a knife it stabs your heart and carves in painful memories.We just stared at each other because none of us were giving in.He left with an angry unsatisfied face :). For now i don't know if i will find it now but when im older you never know.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

OMG! Where do I start? Kool-aid is just one of the best drinks ever!I don't know how people back in the day could live without it.When I first took a sip of it I was addicted.At my house there is always kool-aid available.You look in the cupboards theres kool-aid,you look in the drawers theres kool-aid,and you search the refrigerator looky here theres kool-aid :)
Kool-aid goes with anything you eat.Especially with fried chicken,mmmm just thinking about it makes my mouth water.Once you match does two up you will want to eat them all the time! If I could iI would buy all the kool-aid in the world. If something bad were to happen to it I would die.I mean it's the perfect drink! You can drink in the summer,in the winter,in your house,at a party, anywhere. It's sweet and delicious.There's various flavors like grape,tropical punch, strawberry, cherry,lemon lime,orange,raspberry,and there were way more but they were either discontinued or they aren't sold worldwide. The kool-aid man looks yummy but he gets annoying when he says,"Ohh Yeah."I mean can't he say anything else??He's still awesome though.My preferred flavor is Tropical Punch it's my favorite! So yeah i encourage you guys to go buy some Kool-aid.
Kool-aid is like a wonderful treat god gave to us.He decided to reward us for our good behavior throughout the years....Kool-aid is sold everywhere like at Walgreens, Walmart, basicaly any drug store. Kool-aid is good for the soul.If your at a barbecue you can enjoy a cold tasty cup of kool-aid and have a blast.Kids will love you if u serve this cup of joy to them.nothing will ever beat kool-aid.i don’t care if people say its water with dye and sugar,its still really good and rocks my taste buds. If you haven't tried it yet I highly recommend it.Ily kool-aid you complete my life :) You will always be in my heart lol

Friday, October 1, 2010

response 2 Justin Bieber

I got this great quotes from Billy's blog:
I really need to talk about something VERY important. Everyone knows who Justin Bieber, but why does everyone hate him. Mr. Bieber is a regular normal teenager (just like all of us) who has an amazing voice and is very popular.....

.....If you still feel the same way, just think about how many more girls he could get more than you, or guys. By the way this is my current favorite song by him............

Billy brings up some very true and valid points.People probably just hate on him becuase theitr jelouse or just have nothing better to do.I dont understand why people despise him. He hasn't done anything to cause this hatred.He is very talented and nice.You might hate him for his looks and all but those aren't very good reasons to hate on him.No matter how much you hate on him he's still going to be makin money and getting girls.His voice isn't going to change anytime soon by rude comments.If he didn't have that angelic voice he wouldn't be famous.He's just a normal but famous teenager so just leave him alone jeez!