Saturday, December 18, 2010

Last discussion!

In this discussion,we talked about how his mom is bipolar. We say this because she would treat him right then out of nowhere she would abuse him. We also talked about how people at his school would bully him like Aggie. During a school field trip, while David was gazing at at the water she told him to jump because it was the only way to escape life. Also, he brought his mom a letter that the principal sent. It said that he was a top student and that he won a school competition. His mom automatically ripped it up and both verbally and physically abused him. In this chapter he always wanted his mom to stab him already.
These last chapters were so sad and frustrating,more than usual. I say this because he thought about suicide more often and he his hatred grew and grew. His dad also left the family like a coward. It made me really mad when he came to the house drunk and took his things and said goodbye to David,diminishing his promises of 'both' of them leaving. David was scared after his dad left because he felt that he had no protection anymore. His mom had a bipolar moment when her husband left, she let David dine with her and his siblings.He thought about sucide a lot when his mom tore up the letter and called him an "it" and when his classmate Aggie told him to jump and when his dad left the house for good. I was confused why his siblings would act like nothing happened when his mom allowed them to play and when their mom didn't allow it they would treat him really badly. At one point David got tired of it so he began to rebel. When they were at the grocery store,he mouthed off to his brother and ignored his moms commands.When they got in the car his mom told them they could stomp on him and hit David for mouthing off to them. We also found out that his mom did this because she also got abused by her parents. I don't agree or justify her in any way I mean some parents would strive to treat their kids better and other parents take out their anger and feel like getting revenge on their own children. People cope with things differently.
I absolutely loved this book. I hope to read similar stories like this and try to help out kids that are going through this. After this book I appreciate things more and don't judge others for their appearance at first glance. This book gets a 1000 out of 10


Man,last weekend I went to my little cousins house and they got it bad. I thought I had it bad but it's not until I saw what they were going through. I walked in to the house and it was a total My auntie has three boys and one girl. The oldest one is the girl her name is Maria,the second oldest is Genaro,the third one his name is Jose,and the last one is named Alexis. They are 12, 11, 6,and 4 months old. My uncle loves his children but he blows most of his money on cigarettes. He also has various parties,knowing that he is not financially stable. My other auntie lives at their house too,she is really sick and is disabled.
It's crazy the way they live because if having a lot of people isn't enough imagine having four dogs to feed to. I asked my auntie why she had so many pets and she said that it made her kids happy. I respect that and all but I think she should get pets after they get more stable income. They also live in a very ghetto area. They live in 106th in Birch Street. Genaro,my little cousin, told me that the cops came twice in a row that week. He was present when this man had a gun on his way to the liquor store, he quickly hid behind the bushes all he saw was the man running and the cops pursuing him.The second one was because his neighbors from across the street had a bunch of weapons and drugs, the people escaped and moved I guess but the cops confiscated everything in the house. I was surprised that their parents still let them play outside the house.
Another thing that I saw that was sad, was the fact that they didn't have that much clothes or shoes. My other uncle gives him the hand me downs from his children and my mom occasionally buys them clothes or gets clothes from the school that they get for free. The only one that gets new things sometimes is Maria because shes a girl.
Maria has it hard because her brothers always fight with her and when her parents leave somewhere she has to take care of the boys.She also has to do various chores and clean up after their little brothers. Genaro also has it bad because all he aches for is too spend more time with his dad,he talks to me about how he wishes he was rich and that they had a better,happier life. Whenever he gets money from his parties,he gives it to his parents because he says he wants to help out. Jose is very bubbly and adorable,but he has speaking issues. When I first met him like when he was about five years old he never talked with or in front of me he would stay silent.He has also been held back a year because he does bad at school.Sometimes they don't even have enough to buy food.They don't have internet but at least they finally got cable. I love them so much and I'm so proud that they endure and persevere through tough situations. That's why I love having them at my house because we have a blast and they get to eat and play video games as much as they want.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I go this quote from Rokhsor’s blog that kind of got me thinking:
First, why does she want to be rebellious? She is so innocent, nice and everyone expects a lot from her but for her to think that be being rebellious, people are going to respect her more, I am sorry to say that she is wrong. Some people become rebellious because it is a sign of freedom, some do it to be cool and some do it just because they have never done anything “bad”. I think Bianca should let it go and just be herself.

To answer her question,I think she wants to be rebellious because she wants to have fun after all her hard work has been done. I don’t think that the fact that she wants respect is her case at all I say this because she might not see us at all after she does her rebellious act. I disagree with you on the part that some people are rebellious because it’s a sign of freedom,it’s actually a sign that you don’t care what the world says about what you do and I think it’s a sign of wanting freedom. I agree that some people do it to be cool and bad,but again I don’t think that’s Bianca’s case at all. I know Bianca is innocent,but by committing a rebellious act that she thought of herself and doing it herself is actually being herself. I understand where she’s coming from because everyone wants to do something as considered “rebellious” to have fun after years of hard work.But I don't think she should do something so bad it's considered suspension material.She shouldn't ruin her chances of graduating. So Bianca girl, You do what you want because your working really hard and deserve a moment of freedom.
There were some more quotes in her blog that I disagree with. One of them was:

Now being rebellious to me is overrated and unnecessary because I believe that being rebellious is like going against your parents wants. Listening and making my parents happy is my number one priority. I am completely aware that her point of view on doing something rebellious might be different but for me like I said before, rebellion for teenagers is trying to take control of your own life and let your parents know that you are not going to obey them any longer.

Well are you going to try and make your parents happy for the rest of your life? There is only so much you can do for your parents. I think being rebellious towards your parents is a sign that you want a little more freedom. Sometimes parents are to overprotective,but thats their job,I know. I think in some cases it's good to try and take control of your life a little bit because some parents just want to censor everything like how you dress,talk,what you so,who you hang out with,and your opinions. When parents over control you,you lose who you are. Some parents take advantage of their children's loyalty and respect. It also depends on how parents think of rebellious because some parents think that if their daughters wear make up they are being rebellious or if their children hang out with people they define as "bad". There are a lot of crazy parents out there that make their children want to rebel.

Child called It #2

think this discussion didn’t go so well because I read the whole book so I didn’t have any questions. In this second part of the book,David would try and find various ways to feel safe like having his mom’s friends over and going where his dad was present. In this chapter,his mom also stabbed him on the stomach on accident because she was waving the knife at him in a threatening way and she tripped because David’s little brother was holding on to her leg. But I think that it was really messed up how she just put a towel on his deep injury and made him finish his chores and still sleep in the cot,instead of taking him to the hospital and letting him sleep in a warm comfy bed.She would come up with new ways of torturing him daily. For example,she gave him a time limit for eating the scraps of food and just so she would mess with him some more,she would take away the plate as soon as he moved to eat it.Another form of torture was making him lay in ice cold water in the tub on his belly for hours,he wasn’t allowed to move. She would also make him barf out the food he had digested at school.Another mean thing she would make him do was mow peoples lawns,if he didn’t make enough money she wouldn’t feed him and she would hit him. it was sad to read about the sad hope his dad would feed him,he would tell him that someday they would leave the “mad house” and go somewhere much better.
David’s only hope was his substitute teacher and his dad. After David quit on his dad rescuing him because he would witness his wife abuse his own son without doing anything. His dad would get drunk to avoid his reality and arguing with his wife. He also gave up on helping out David because his mom constantly fought and argued until she won, she would also make David lie to make his father lose the arguments. When his mom was in labor and in the hospital,his dad allowed David to eat and play with his siblings. But other than that his dad didn’t really help out much. His substitute teacher was new hope because she would make him want to learn and would reward her class with food,she would also give him love. He loved school now.
In these chapters,he also told us that his faith in god diminished after a while. The reason why he stopped believing in god was because he got tired of praying and not seeing any results of his pain and suffering ending. If I were in his position I would also hate god and the whole world because no one is helping me even though im wearing disgusting old clothes,and smell bad and have obvious abuse bruises and marks all over my body.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Jersey Shore!

I just had to blog about this! This show is one of the best shows on television! It’s so funny and a great way to pass time. I personally love it so much. I’ve learned so much from it. The reason I love it so much is because of the characters, they couldn’t have picked better characters than them.

My favorite guys are Pauly D and Vinny. I love Pauly D because he is so hilarious and so damn sexy! Other than the whole player issue he would be the perfect boyfriend! He always lightens the mood up when tensions are high and he doesn’t really get into fights. Vinny is so adorable and sweet,he’s the type of guy I would marry. I like the fact that he knows how to treat a girl :),he also knows how to talk back to the situation when he’s bothering him. My favorite girls are Jwow and Snooki. Jwow is sooo gorgeous and knows how to fight and stand up for herself. It was so Epic when she socked the situation when she was pist, she doesn’t take anyones crap! Snooki is so cute and fun. She was the first one to be like bring out the bottle and lets get it poppin! She’s funny too and is very loving. I don’t get why people hate on her. My least favorite one is Angelina,I mean she’s pretty but she’s a two faced,shit starting type of person. She always tried to get the others to turn on each other and fight. I’m not that into the Situation because he’s old,creepy,and to cocky. He always took off his shirt, I was like no boo put it back down ain’t no one wana see that sorry. Ronnie cheated on his girlfriend and didn’t deserve a second chance and he put his hand up to a woman that is not cute! Sammie I wasn’t all that into her because she’s too dramatic and emotional and claimed that most females are fake that’s why she doesn’t have a girl best friend. I dislike her because she forgave Ronnie and started hating on Jwow.

I love that show! I hope the new season comes out quickly! For those who haven’t watched it,I highly reccomend it.

A child called it discussion

A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer, is a very sad and touching story. He is one of my role models because no matter how bad his family treats him he still manages to persevere. This book shows us the horrors of alcohol addiction. It pretty much shows all the struggles he had to endure from his alcoholic,psycho mother. She used to starve him,hit him,and play these sick games with him. She would always get bored and find new ways to torture him. She would mostly read them in the newspaper,for example she used mix Clorox and ammonia in a bucket and put Dave and the bucket in the bathroom,it was basically a gas chamber. One time she almost made him sit on top of a burning stove,but he managed to escape doing that because he knew his brother was coming home in a few so he made some time by defying his mother . That’s another reason why he is my role model because he always came up with plans to keep himself alive. When he was hungry,he would steal or take extra lunches or go home to home and lie that he lost his lunch. The thing I didn’t understand was the fact that he still managed to love his mother and that he didn’t want to tell the cops or teachers about her abuse because he wanted to protect her.

In the discussion,we talked about how his dad was a coward and didn’t take a stand for his own son. At the beginning of his mothers abuse,his dad would have arguments with her and would secretly feed him,but all of a sudden his mom dominated his dad. His dad would feed him false hope like telling him that they would soon leave and live happier lives,that’s just messed up! I’m not saying its all his dad’s fault but he could have taken him away or reported her. We also talked about why didn’t the people at school report this. He used to come to school with various visible bruises and his hygiene lacked. If I were a teacher, I would have reported it to the cops not the parents and try my best to nurse him back. Another thing we talked about was,why didn’t Dave tell anyone so he could be free,why did he want to protect his mother? I think he didn’t tell because he was just a kid and when your a kid you love your mother no matter what and you still have hope.

Overall,I think the book is good and there is plenty of good discussions to go along with it, I like this book a lot. I like this book because it truly brings out the emotions out of you and shows whether you have a heart or not.